Numbers 10 to 100

Unit 1 – 4 weeks

Primary KS1 Year 2

The PowerPoint file contains slides you can use in the classroom to support each of the learning outcomes for this unit, listed below.

The slides are comprehensively linked to associated pedagogical guidance in theĀ NCETM Primary Mastery Professional Development materials. There are also links to the ready-to-progress criteria detailed in theĀ DfE Primary Mathematics Guidance 2020.

Learning outcomes

# Title
1 Pupils explain that one ten is equivalent to ten ones
2 Pupils represent multiples of ten using their numerals
3 Pupils represent multiples of ten using their numerals and names
4 Pupils represent multiples of ten in an expression or an equation
5 Pupils estimate the position of multiples of ten on a 0-100 number line
6 Pupils explain what happens when you add and subtract ten to a multiple of ten
7 Pupils use knowledge of facts and unitising to add and subtract multiples of ten
8 Pupils add and subtract multiples of ten
9 Pupils explore the counting sequence for counting to 100 and beyond
10 Pupils count a large group of objects by counting groups of tens and the extra ones
11 Pupils count a large group of objects by using knowledge of unitising by counting tens and ones
12 Pupils represent a number from 20-99 in different ways
13 Pupils explain and mark the position of numbers 20-99 on a number line
14 Pupils explain that numbers 20-99 can be represented as a length
15 Pupils compare two, two-digit numbers
16 Pupils partition a two-digit number into tens and ones
17 Pupils add two, two-digit numbers by partitioning into tens and ones