Multiplication and division

Unit 5 – 4 weeks

Primary KS2 Year 6

The PowerPoint file contains slides you can use in the classroom to support each of the learning outcomes for this unit, listed below.

The slides are comprehensively linked to associated pedagogical guidance in the NCETM Primary Mastery Professional Development materials. There are also links to the ready-to-progress criteria detailed in the DfE Primary Mathematics Guidance 2020.

Learning outcomes

1 Pupils explain why the product stays the same when one factor is doubled and the other is halved
2 Pupils explain the effect on the product when scaling the factors by the same amount
3 Pupils use their knowledge of equivalence when scaling factors to solve problems
4 Pupils explain the effect on the quotient when scaling the dividend and divisor by 10
5 Pupils explain the effect on the quotient when scaling the dividend and divisor by the same amount
6 Pupils explain how to multiply a three-digit by a two-digit number
7 Pupils explain how to accurately use the method of long multiplication to multiply two, two-digit numbers (no regrouping of ones to tens)
8 Pupils explain how to accurately use the method of long multiplication (with regrouping of ones to tens)
9 Pupils explain how to accurately use the method of long multiplication (with regrouping of ones to tens & tens to hundreds)
10 Pupils explain how to accurately use the method of long multiplication to multiply a three-digit by a two-digit number
11 Pupils explain how to accurately use the method of long multiplication to multiply a four-digit by a two-digit number
12 Pupils explain how to use the associative law to multiply efficiently
13 Pupils explain when it is more efficient to use long multiplication or factorising to multiply by two-digit numbers
14 Pupils explain how to use accurately the methods of short and long division (two and three-digit number by multiples of 10)
15 Pupils explain how to use accurately the method of long division with and without remainders (two-digit by two-digit numbers)
16 Pupils use knowledge of long division to solve problems in a range of contexts (with and without remainders)
17 Pupils explain how to use a ratio chart to solve efficiently: short division
18 Pupils explain how to use a ratio chart to solve efficiently: long division
19 Pupils explain how to use a ratio chart to solve efficiently: long division (II)
20 Pupils explain how to use accurately the method of long division with and without remainders (three-digit by two-digit, four-digit by two-digit numbers)
21 Pupils use long division with decimal remainders (1 decimal place)
22 Pupils use long division with fraction remainders
23 Pupils use long division with decimal remainders (2 decimal places)
24 Pupils use knowledge of the best way to interpret and represent remainders from a range of division contexts
25 Pupils explain how and why a product changes when a factor changes multiplicatively
26 Pupils use their knowledge of multiplicative change to solve problems efficiently (multiplication)
27 Pupils explain how and why a quotient changes when a dividend changes multiplicatively (increase or decrease)
28 Pupils explain how and why a quotient changes when a divisor changes multiplicatively
29 Pupils identify and explain the relationship between divisors and quotients