• Mastery PD Materials

Times tables: 2, 4 and 8, and the relationship between them

Spine 2: Multiplication and Division – Topic 2.7


Build up the four/eight times table; using different structures/interpretations of multiplication and division, solve problems related to these tables; explore connections between the two, four and eight times tables.

Teaching points

  • Teaching point 1: Counting in multiples of four can be represented by the four times table. Adjacent multiples of four have a difference of four. Facts from the four times table can be used to solve multiplication and division problems with different structures.
  • Teaching point 2: Products in the four times table are double the products in the two times table; products in the two times table are half of the products in the four times table.
  • Teaching point 3: Counting in multiples of eight can be represented by the eight times table. Adjacent multiples of eight have a difference of eight. Facts from the eight times table can be used to solve multiplication and division problems with different structures.
  • Teaching point 4: Products in the eight times table are double the products in the four times table; products in the four times table are half of the products in the eight times table. Products that are in the two, four and eight times tables share the same factors.
  • Teaching point 5: Divisibility rules can be used to find out whether a given number is divisible (to give a whole number) by two, four or eight.
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