Primary lesson videos

Lessons videos supporting mastery in action

The schools represented in these videos have all been involved in the England-China Exchange project within the Maths Hubs Programme and are starting to embed a teaching for mastery approach.

Part way through their journey they agreed to be filmed, in order to share progress being made.

The videos are presented to show teachers seeking to embed some of the key features of teaching for mastery, such as whole class teaching, a step-by-step journey towards deep understanding of a concept, high expectations of mathematical language used by pupils and a strong belief that all children can achieve.

We strongly encourage teachers not to consider these videos in isolation, but to view them alongside the accompanying PowerPoint presentations. These draw out key pedagogical points, along with resources used by the teacher during the lesson. There are also teacher, pupil and subject leader interviews.

We are greatly indebted to the teachers in these videos for allowing their developmental progress to be filmed and shared in this way.