Developing A Level Pedagogy

Develop improved teaching approaches for A level Mathematics

Who can take part?

Participants will be established teachers of A level Maths who are looking to deepen their pedagogical understanding. They must be teaching a current A level Maths group. 

This Work Group would be particularly useful for those who may have already completed other A level subject knowledge and pedagogy CPD.

What is involved?

This project explores and deepens participants' pedagogic content knowledge, empowering teachers to enhance their classroom practice and to influence department-wide A level teaching. It is an engine for improving student understanding of A level Maths, and driving their subsequent success. Participants will design and trial classroom activities, sharing and reflecting on their experiences with others in the Work Group.

The project involves a direct working partnership between the Maths Hubs Network and the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP).

What will you learn?

  • Your students will have a deeper conceptual understanding of the A level Maths content
  • You will understand the purpose of the Overarching Themes, including use of technology, and their impact on teaching and learning in A level Maths
  • You and your department will have a better understanding of how ideas behind teaching for mastery can be used in the classroom
  • You and your department will have a deeper understanding of content pedagogic knowledge for A level Maths

What is the cost?

The Developing A Level Pedagogy project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme and the AMSP so is free to participating schools/colleges.

What should you do next?

Visit the AMSP website to learn more about the project and get involved.

Take part
Secondary Post-16


Most Maths Hubs – check with your local hub and those in neighbouring areas

Can I take part?

Yes - contact your local hub

Project Code
