KS4 professional development materials now available
Two new core concepts covering ‘Using and applying numerical structure’ are ready to download

New materials to support KS4 maths teachers with their professional development and planning are now available. Following on directly from the KS3 PD materials, the KS4 materials will explore five themes in total. The first new theme – Theme 7, covering 7.1 Using structure to calculate and estimate and 7.2 Using structure to transform and evaluate expressions – is now published and ready to download.
Core concept 7.1 focuses on understanding different representations of number and using the structure of the number system to make appropriate estimations. Core concept 7.2 deepens understanding of fractions, indices and surds, and explores generalised expressions which underpin algebraic proof.
The materials break each core concept down into smaller ‘key ideas’, and identify the prior learning necessary for students to make progress within the KS4 area of maths. They also link to the secondary assessment materials, Checkpoints, and the KS3 PD materials, as well as including example questions and answers.
Download and share the Theme 7 materials now, and come back soon as more themes will be added over the coming months.