Primary Round-up - September 2024
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available

In September's Primary Round-up our ‘Welcome’ feature has something for everyone, whether you're a long-time friend or new to our community. Also this month:
- The Five Big Ideas – Coherence - Debbie Morgan explains why coherence is more than just a sequence of great tasks in this feature and explainer video
- Curriculum Prioritisation Materials - unsure where to begin with our Primary CP Materials? This step-by-step planning guide will take you from download to classroom activity
- New Oracy webpage - our new webpage pulls together all you need to know about oracy. Don’t miss the Ofsted guide and two-part podcast!
- Ready-to-progress slides - Assess learning from the previous year and ensure your pupils have the understanding needed to progress.
The NCETM Primary Round-up is emailed to subscribers: if you didn’t get yours, or if you have new colleagues, subscribe here, or contact us if you have any difficulties.
Previous editions are available on the News & Features page.