
Understanding Dyscalculia

How teaching for mastery approaches can support students with dyscalculia to engage positively with maths


Understanding Dyscalculia

In this episode of the podcast, we speak to Cat Eadle, a teacher, dyscalculia specialist and co-founder of the Dyscalculia Network. Our conversation explores what dyscalculia is, how it differs from other maths difficulties, and how teachers can facilitate an early diagnosis. We also discuss the importance of teaching ‘maths for life’ skills, dyscalculia in the secondary maths classroom, and how teaching for mastery approaches can support dyscalculic pupils of all ages to do and enjoy maths.

A transcript (PDF) of this episode is available to download.

Show notes

Taking part in the discussion:

  • Cat Eadle, The Dyscalculia Network
  • Julia Thomson, Communications Manager, NCETM.

Episode chapters

  • 00:06 Introduction and welcome
  • 00:18 Understanding dyscalculia and its impact
  • 01:03 Cat Eadle: dyscalculia specialist
  • 01:43 The birth of the Dyscalculia Network
  • 03:13 Identifying dyscalculia: signs and symptoms
  • 05:14 The importance of dyscalculia diagnosis
  • 08:03 Supporting pupils with dyscalculia
  • 10:40 The prevalence of dyscalculia
  • 14:14 The mastery approach to teaching maths
  • 16:42 The struggles of adults with dyscalculia
  • 19:56 Resources, further reading and events
  • 21:53 Conclusion.

Useful links