Secondary Subject Knowledge Audit
Assess your confidence in teaching the content of the KS3 maths curriculum

Effective subject knowledge of maths underpins high-quality teaching. For any teachers in training, those new to the profession or the subject, or anyone simply wanting to find out more about the core concepts taught at KS3, these subject audits can help.
There are 17 audit documents in total, with each one based on one of the core concepts from the NCETM Secondary Mastery Professional Development Materials. Each document contains audit questions with tick boxes you can select to show how confident you are, exemplifications and explanations, and further support links. At the end of each document there is space to type notes, including reflections and targets. The document can then be saved for your records.
You can find further resources to support with your KS3 teaching on the 17 core concept webpages. And if you are a non-specialist teaching maths, you can take part in the Secondary Non-specialist SKTM programme with your local Maths Hub.
The zip folder below allows you to download all the audit documents together.