Resources for teachers using the mastery materials
Supplementary content to support use of the Secondary Mastery PD Materials

The resources on this page all complement the Secondary Mastery PD Materials. They can be used by individual or groups of teachers for a variety of planning and professional development purposes.
Diagnostic maths activities to help teachers develop their assessment of students' prior learning for KS3
KS3 key ideas exemplified
A series of 52 PowerPoints containing activities and professional development stimuli based on key ideas from the core concepts explored in the KS3 PD materials
Using mathematical representations at KS3
Guidance for some of the most useful representations for Key Stage 3 mathematics.
Algebraic Thinking
Materials for exploring algebra with KS3 students
Insights from experienced teachers
Pairs of teachers explore small sections of the mastery materials in depth
Planning to teach secondary maths
Videos and resources for teaching Key Stage 3 maths topics
Mathematical Prompts for Deeper Thinking videos
Videos showing a teacher working with small groups of students from her Year 8 class
Departmental Workshops
Collaborative CPD sessions for maths departments or other groups of secondary teachers
Secondary Subject Knowledge Audit
Assess your confidence in teaching the content of the KS3 maths curriculum
Secondary Assessment Materials
Materials to support you and your colleagues in assessing students at KS3
Exploring the materials with colleagues
You will find the PD materials useful for collaborative professional development based around planning lessons, sequences of lessons and schemes of work. They allow for autonomy and flexibility. Some key ideas are extensively exemplified to demonstrate what planning for deep understanding might involve. Others are left for individual departments and teachers to work on, alongside existing material and schemes. If you wish to create your own guidance documents, similar to the ones found at the links below, you can use this downloadable template.
Please note that the materials are principally for professional development purposes. Unlike a textbook scheme they are not designed to be directly lifted and used as teaching materials. The materials can support teachers to develop their subject and pedagogical knowledge and so help to improve mathematics teaching in combination with other high-quality resources, such as textbooks.
For further guidance on the materials and how you might use them, please read this comprehensive introduction.
For an overview of the structure of the materials, you can download the complete breakdown of themes, core concepts, statements and key ideas. This is available as both a PDF and an editable spreadsheet. Both versions include a mapping to the national curriculum Key Stage 3 mathematics programme of study:
- NCETM Key Stage 3 mastery curriculum structure (PDF)
- NCETM Key Stage 3 mastery curriculum structure (Excel).
Sample Curriculum Framework
This Sample Curriculum Framework is an example of a way to organise and sequence learning in a coherent way across Key Stage 3. It has been designed to support departments as they plan and prioritise teaching.