Curriculum prioritisation in primary maths
What maths to teach for the rest of 2020/21

You are on a page created in the 2021 summer term, which was heavily influenced by the period immediately after national lockdowns. It was always designed to be of temporary use. Our permanent, comprehensive Curriculum Prioritisation resource designed for long-term use, is elsewhere on the website.
Moving on from the pandemic gives schools an opportunity to recalibrate and prioritise the curriculum. Plans will need to take into account the disruption to teaching, and to secure firm foundations before moving on to new learning.
- Maths planning for the rest of 2020/21 should take account of disrupted schooling in the past two academic years rather than starting the summer curriculum as usual. Linked topics can be addressed together, starting with those from the year below.
- Prioritise key topics, rather than trying to teach everything.
- Children should experience a positive return to learning maths in school and messages about ‘lost learning’ should be avoided.
- Formal written tests should be avoided in favour of devoting time to teaching that involves reconnecting with pupils, assessing informally and filling in gaps.
The flow chart and linked documents below are provided to support schools prioritise learning in maths, to prepare for September 2021. The templates should be used as working documents and the final versions shared with the next teacher in September.
We are currently working on curriculum prioritisation guidance and materials for 2021/22. They will start to be made available before the summer holidays.