Six resources for teaching and learning times tables
How do your pupils learn times tables? From digestible research to interesting resources, these ideas will help you reflect
How do your pupils learn times tables? From digestible research to interesting resources, these ideas will help you reflect
Discover what’s right for you, your department and your colleagues
Opportunities for developing teachers and maths departments and resources to support all post-16 maths teaching
Supplementary content to support use of the Secondary Mastery PD Materials
Autumn term support for maths teaching available from the NCETM and Maths Hubs
Training materials, PowerPoints, videos and more are here to help primary schools plan maths teaching for the new school year
A selection of sites and resources that will help with your lesson and homework planning this revision season
A model for professional development, giving teachers the tools and resources to develop multiplicative reasoning skills in KS3 students
Addressing two years of disrupted schooling, Checkpoints activities will help you to formatively assess understanding of key topics
Our final communication of the year amalgamates the Primary and Secondary Round-ups and our National Newsletter
PowerPoints to accompany the CBeebies series have been adapted for parents and carers to use
What you might have missed and what’s coming up…
Videos and resources for teaching Key Stage 3 maths topics
Developed by MEI, Oak’s materials are for both primary and secondary schools
Are you a trainee, new to teaching maths or working with teachers early in their careers? Discover resources we have for you
Explore ideas for lockdown learning, remote teaching and online CPD
We’ve picked out some sites to help you make the most of your Year 11s’ mock exams and analyse their results
A guided tour around what’s on offer for new and experienced primary teachers at the start of the new school year. Updated September 2023
KS1 and KS2 resources for primary and secondary teachers in interpreting and using the DfE primary guidance
Materials, guidance and national curriculum resources
Teachers discuss the joys, the challenges and good resources
And resources you might like to explore
Resources to accompany the CBeebies Numberblocks series, designed for parents to use at home with children
Seven suggested resources and activities to help you prepare your students for exams
National Curriculum resources for Addition and Subtraction – Year 4
National Curriculum resources for Measurement – Year 3
National Curriculum resources for Statistics – Year 6
National Curriculum resources for Statistics – Year 5
National Curriculum resources for Fractions – Year 2
National Curriculum resources for Multiplication and Division – Year 1
National Curriculum resources for Multiplication and Division – Year 4
National Curriculum resources for Multiplication and Division – Year 2
National Curriculum resources for Fractions – Year 6
National Curriculum resources for Measurement – Year 5
National Curriculum resources for Measurement – Year 6
National Curriculum resources for Measurement – Year 2
National Curriculum resources for Addition and Subtraction – Year 2
National Curriculum resources for Fractions – Year 5
National Curriculum resources for Statistics – Year 2
National Curriculum resources for Multiplication and Division – Year 3
National Curriculum resources for Statistics – Year 4
National Curriculum resources for Addition and Subtraction – Year 3
National Curriculum resources for Statistics – Year 3
National Curriculum resources for Fractions – Year 3
National Curriculum resources for Addition and Subtraction – Year 1
What the guidance consists of and how it aligns with other NCETM resources
A range of professional development and lesson materials
Resources to support learning, teachers helping teachers, maths-teaching discussions, online conferences and more
We talk to a Year 7 teacher and one of the authors of our newest secondary classroom resource
Two authors talk about their new resources and suggest tips for addressing social issues through maths
National Curriculum resources for Geometry - position and direction – Year 5
New videos, PowerPoint slides and guidance documents provide ideas and resources for teaching KS3 topics
Resources available on the NCETM website and CPD opportunities through Maths Hubs – all free for secondary maths departments
New 60-second update, the NCETM Maths Podcast, Oak resources, subject association news
National Curriculum resources for Geometry - position and direction – Year 6
National Curriculum resources for Number and Place Value – Year 3
National Curriculum resources for Number and Place Value – Year 6
National Curriculum resources for Number and Place Value – Year 4
National Curriculum resources for Geometry - position and direction – Year 4
National Curriculum resources for Number and Place Value – Year 1
National Curriculum resources for Geometry - properties of shapes – Year 6
National Curriculum resources for Geometry - properties of shapes – Year 4
National Curriculum resources for Geometry - position and direction – Year 1
National Curriculum resources for Geometry - properties of shapes – Year 1
National Curriculum resources for Geometry - properties of shapes – Year 5
National Curriculum resources for Geometry - properties of shapes – Year 2
Ensure Year 6 pupils have the understanding they need to progress by using our handpicked resources
Let us show you what the guidance includes, and the resources available to get the most out of it
Mastering Number Programme underway, new primary and secondary resources for 2021/22, Maths Hubs funded opportunities for you in 2021/22, and more
National Curriculum resources for Multiplication and Division – Year 5
National Curriculum resources for Multiplication and Division – Year 6
National Curriculum resources for Algebra – Key Stage 3
National Curriculum resources for Algebra – Year 6
National Curriculum resources for Addition and Subtraction – Year 6
National Curriculum resources for Addition and Subtraction – Year 5
National Curriculum resources for Number – Key Stage 3
National Curriculum resources for Measurement – Year 1
National Curriculum resources for Ratio and Proportion – Year 6
National Curriculum resources for Fractions – Year 4
National Curriculum resources for Fractions – Year 1
National Curriculum resources for Measurement – Year 4
National Curriculum resources for Geometry and Measures – Key Stage 3
National Curriculum resources for Geometry - properties of shapes – Year 3
National Curriculum resources for Number and Place Value – Year 5
National Curriculum resources for Geometry - position and direction – Year 2
National Curriculum resources for Ratio and Proportion and Rates of Change – KS3
National Curriculum resources for Number and Place Value – Year 2
National Curriculum resources for Probability and Statistics – Key Stage 3
A year’s worth of resources and professional development are being produced to support secondary maths teachers
How the latest lockdown has led to an outpouring of no-strings generosity across the maths education landscape
Materials that will assist you in your professional development and support you in teaching for mastery with confidence
Teaching and curriculum guidance for secondary teachers planning students' learning and their own CPD
Teaching and curriculum guidance for primary teachers
Our final communication of the year amalgamates the Primary and Secondary Round-ups and our National Newsletter
Our Easter communication amalgamates the Primary and Secondary Round-ups and our National Newsletter
Materials to help teachers develop a mastery approach in their classrooms and schools
How NCETM resources and Maths Hubs CPD programmes can help repair any damage to learning caused by the pandemic
Core concept 6.3 introduces translation, rotation, reflection and enlargement. It explores the degrees of freedom available, in terms of what does and doesn’t vary for each one.
Core concept 5.3 introduces probability as a way to quantify, explore and explain likelihood and coincidence, and to reason about uncertainty.
Core concept 3.2 introduces trigonometric functions through the unit circle. Ideas of similarity, scale factor and multiplicative relationships are integrated to explore problem-solving.
Core concept 4.2 introduces x- and y-coordinates as input and output of a function. It explores linear and quadratic functions, and how linear graphs can solve simultaneous equations.
Core concept 3.1 explores fractions, percentages, ratio and proportion (direct and inverse) as contexts in which multiplicative relationships are used.
Core concept 6.1 covers angle facts and the geometry of intersecting lines, similarity and congruence, and Pythagoras’ theorem.
Core concept 2.1 offers guidance on developing understanding of the mathematical structures that underpin standard procedures for calculation with decimals, fractions and directed numbers.
Core concept 1.1 covers the structure of our place-value system (particularly as it relates to decimals) and rounding numbers to a required number of decimal places or significant figures.
Core concept 2.2 explores how linear equations are effectively the formulation of a series of operations on unknown numbers and how solving them involves undoing these operations.
Core concept 6.2 covers how the formulae for perimeter, area and volume are derived and connected, and the importance of reasoning mathematically to solve a range of problems.
Core concept 1.3 covers the conversion of decimals to fractions (and vice versa), ordering positive and negative integers, fractions and decimals, and the expression of numbers in standard form.
Core concept 5.2 explores making informed choices about which statistical analysis and representation to use for different types of data, as well as the effect on interpretation.
Core concept 6.4 explores: triangles of given lengths; a perpendicular bisector of a line segment; a perpendicular to a given line through a given point; an angle bisector.
Core concept 1.2 focuses on factors, multiples and primes, exploring various representations to support understanding of highest common factors and lowest common multiples.
Core concept 4.1 covers sequences through exploration of the mathematical structure. It also introduces the idea of the nth term of a linear sequence.
Core concept 1.4 concerns the generalisation of number structures, the use of algebraic symbols, and techniques for their manipulation. The rearranging of formulae is also explored.
Core concept 5.1 covers measures of central tendency, work with grouped data and measures of spread, as well as the construction of scatter graphs and pie charts.
We visit a school using the materials to structure INSET and department time for professional development
Six images that might prompt deeper thought when designing maths lessons from Year 1 to Year 6
Diagnostic maths activities to help teachers develop their assessment of students' prior learning for KS3
Covid recovery: new resources, and thoughts on 'catch-up'
New primary ITE resources, secondary guidance, teaching through the pandemic, Core Maths, and more
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
A lesson from 2015/16 led by Clare Christie, maths subject leader for the Ashley Down Schools Federation in Bristol
Theme 6 comprises four core concepts: geometrical properties; perimeter, area and volume; transforming shapes; constructions.
Theme 4 comprises two core concepts: sequences; graphical representations.
Theme 3 comprises two core concepts: understanding multiplicative relationships; trigonometry.
Theme 1 comprises four core concepts: place value, estimation and rounding; properties of number; ordering and comparing; simplifying and manipulating expressions, equations and formulae.
Theme 2 comprises two core concepts: arithmetic procedures; solving linear equations.
Theme 5 comprises three core concepts: statistical representations and measure; statistical analysis; probability.
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Articles, books and video to help you use physical representations more effectively in lessons
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Primary maths prioritisation, qualifications and curriculum updates, Maths Hubs planning for 2021/22, Numberblocks at home, and more
Sign up for our free Checkpoints seminars, primary spring term curriculum prioritisation materials, and more
New Checkpoints, subject knowledge audits, 2023 subject associations conference, and more
A conversation with the AMSP's Core Maths coordinator, and an enthusiastic Core Maths teacher
A lesson from 2015/16 led by Clare Christie, maths subject leader for the Ashley Down Schools Federation in Bristol
79 PowerPoints, each one focusing on one of the ready-to-progress criteria in the new DfE maths guidance for KS1 and KS2
Our final communication of the school year amalgamates the Primary and Secondary Round-ups and our National Newsletter
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
We’ve just published the latest issue of Bespoke, which brings up-to-date news from the Maths Hubs Programme
We’ve just published the latest issue of Bespoke, which brings up-to-date news from the Maths Hubs Programme
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Teachers describe how they have used the Primary Mastery Professional Development Materials in their own schools and classrooms
What does the course offer post-16 students that don’t do Maths A level, and how can schools/colleges offer it?
A Year 6 teacher from Newcastle gives us a window on her primary school’s ‘blended’ approach to providing remote learning
Whether you’re a new teacher, or coming back to begin another year, we are here to support you with all your maths CPD this year and beyond
Lesson videos on children developing understanding and fluency with number
Six professional development units designed for ITE tutors to use with secondary trainee maths teachers
Six professional development units designed for ITE tutors to use with primary trainee teachers exploring maths
NCETM Myth busting
What are you planning with your class to highlight the day?
Find out about online support for parents and teachers being offered by the NCETM during school closures
Three experienced secondary teachers give tips on how to get off on the right foot with a new maths class at the start of a new year
Two Secondary Mastery Specialists explain the benefits of mastery to them, their departments, and their students
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
We have just launched the Secondary Round-up
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Information for press
Support your Year 7s and develop students’ multiplicative reasoning skills
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Develop mathematical subject knowledge and understand the pedagogy that underpins the teaching of it
Discover ways to help students who need additional support to make good progress in KS3 and beyond
Sources of support and accounts of how teachers are overcoming the hurdles
Unit 9 – 1 week
Guidance, training materials and videos that unpick the teaching of specific topics.
A lesson from 2015/16 led by James Berry, subject leader and deputy head at Chesterton Primary School in Wandsworth
Assess your confidence in teaching the content of the KS3 maths curriculum
A secondary head of maths talks about remote learning and planning for life after COVID-19
The first batch of Spine 3: Fractions mastery professional development materials can be downloaded
A short video illustrates teaching for mastery in secondary classrooms
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our new Round-up brings you some of the best content from our website and across the world of primary and Early Years maths teaching
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Places for up to two thousand primary schools have been funded by the DfE – contact your Maths Hub to apply
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Funded places for up to two thousand primary schools available – contact your Maths Hub to apply
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Insight into how teaching for mastery is working in schools
Lessons videos supporting mastery in action
Develop mathematical subject knowledge and understand the pedagogy that underpins the teaching of it
Develop mathematical subject knowledge and understand the pedagogy that underpins the teaching of it
Supporting pupils to develop good number sense
A term-by-term framework to support planning and teaching
Join our Tuesday evening chats or read summaries on our website
Tailored support for teachers and students from the Advanced Maths Support Programme
How our Professional Development materials can help you consolidate your subject knowledge, plan your maths lessons effectively and be assured that your pupils will grasp concepts with confidence
What secondary teachers said they love about the regular meetings with colleagues in their department
A maths lead explains how our resource has given her teachers an easy route into the mastery materials as well as excellent pedagogical development
This Privacy Notice sets out how the NCETM uses and protects any information that you give to us.
Free CPD? Local collaboration? Department-wide impact? Maths Hubs Work Groups have it all – and more
A Year 6 teacher talks about the difficulty of engagement in remote learning in an area with a low socio-economic profile
A maths lead tells us how she teaches maths to pupils with varied needs, and supports her colleagues and other local teachers to do the same
Motivate and engage with games that deepen understanding
How teaching for mastery approaches can support students with dyscalculia to engage positively with maths
Exploring the transformative potential of oracy in the maths classroom
Six pairs of live presentations for secondary teachers
The nationwide project for primary schools continues in 2022/23
The knowledge and understanding most important for the first three years of secondary school, broken down into a coherent sequence
Whether you’re stepping into teaching for the first time or returning with years of experience, we’re here to support your journey with all the maths CPD you need this year and beyond
Extended interviews with school leaders who have introduced teaching for mastery
Primary materials that will assist you in your professional development and enable you to deliver teaching for mastery with confidence
Strengthen the transition from primary to secondary school
Secure firm foundations in multiplicative relationships
Support for schools that have already engaged in Mastering Number
Key organisations in maths teaching that we work with
An article from our Director, Charlie Stripp
When should Year 6 and 7 teachers get the calculators out? And how might they use them?
An article by Emma Hill, a maths subject leader and Year 3 / 4 teacher
We’ve gathered suggestions about preparing pupils for transition in this disrupted year
A secure understanding of Key Stage 2 maths is crucial for new Year 7s to progress at secondary school
How secondary schools can continue to recover from the downward trends caused by the pandemic
Charlie Stripp shares his thoughts on ‘Coordinating mathematical success’
Seven Core Maths classes prove the value of the qualification for students
How they can support maths teaching for all A level Maths students
We dispel some of the common myths about teaching for mastery
Hear from a Cohort Lead on the Early Years Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics Programme
Unit 11 – 1 week
Unit 11 – 1 week
Unit 11 – 1 week
Unit 11 – 2 weeks
Unit 12 – 1 week
Work with your colleagues to plan lessons and develop your own knowledge and pedagogy
How one trust has paved the way for its schools to benefit from the Maths Hubs Programme
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Rachel Beddoes explains what the barriers are for girls, and what teachers and schools can do to overcome these
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) confirms that England has maintained its high global performance in mathematics
Information for school leaders about free professional development
A Work Group looks at ways to manage maths curriculum objectives with two or more year groups in one class
A head of maths and Maths Hub Lead talks about the benefits of the qualification
Ever wondered where to begin with the Primary CP materials? This step-by-step guide will take you from website download to classroom activity
Embracing teaching for mastery in maths has seen pupils’ love for the subject contribute to some exceptional end of year outcomes for all year groups
This article follows the concept of unitising through Years 1-6, also demonstrating effective curriculum sequencing
The NCETM’s Director, Charlie Stripp, has warned of the dangers of putting pressure on pupils to ‘catch-up’
There’s a range of ways for teachers and schools to engage with their local Maths Hub
Four steps to help you plan and teach percentage change
A set of video clips from 2014/15 centred on one lesson, focusing on the 6-times-table
Unit 8 – 1 week
Unit 10 – 1 week
An archive of all Secondary Round-ups and Magazines
An article by Hande Kiamil, Head of Maths at Mill Hill County High School, in the London Borough of Barnet
What do your Year 7s already know and understand? How can you find out? And how can you move their understanding forward in Year 7?
A maths lead tells his school's story
Why this is so important and how you can ensure your school or college can take advantage of it
We find out why one of the country’s largest post-16 colleges has introduced Core Maths
Green shoots of Teacher Research Groups (TRGs) are slowly spreading their fronds of mastery exploration across the country
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Learning in lockdown: support for teaching and learning from the NCETM, including new primary video lessons, plus support available from elsewhere, and more
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Develop mathematical subject knowledge and understand the pedagogy that underpins the teaching of it
Useful pointers from teachers in a Maths Hub GCSE resit Work Group
Read about our comprehensive Secondary Mastery Professional Development Materials, what they are, who they are for, and how they can be used
How our podcast guests have been adapting their teaching to get round Covid restrictions
How a secondary maths department includes everyone in the planning process and fosters shared learning
Ensuring impact, effectiveness and pupil progress
Embedding multiplicative thinking across the primary maths curriculum
What role can trust leaders play in supporting maths teachers to flourish professionally?
At Trinity Academy in Halifax all teachers are now using place value counters with students across the ability range
Unit 14 – 2 weeks
What one primary teacher has done to improve children's confidence by engaging parents in learning maths
At Southfields Academy collaborative planning sessions have led to improved lesson quality, reduced planning time, and better staff retention
A celebration of the achievements made across ten years by England’s 40 Maths Hubs, supporting teachers and schools to improve maths teaching and learning
We visit the classroom of Hannah Gray, a primary teacher involved in trialling new Singapore-style textbooks, designed to support a mastery approach
Support for maths learning and teaching during school closures, Primary and Secondary Mastery Specialist recruitment, and other opportunities for 2020/21
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Find out more about current NCETM team members with their areas of responsibility. If you want to get in touch with someone at the NCETM, email with full details of your query and we will direct it to the right person
We visit Gorse Hill Primary School Work Group in Swindon, and find out how gap tasks are driving powerful changes in pedagogy
An archive of all Primary Round-ups and Magazines
Mini ‘stories’ can be an effective way to reveal mathematical structure and are a common feature in some of the best maths textbooks
Article by Jayne Webster, who teaches maths at Denbigh School in Milton Keynes
The AMSP's Tom Button looks at which calculations A level students should be doing on a calculator
Ordinality, put simply, is where numbers come in the number system and their relationship to each other. But there’s more to it than that…
Building in small steps to ensure all children develop understanding early on in primary school
We visit a school in Lancashire pioneering their use
Hear from a maths teacher and podcaster who leads a range of projects
Discover how the maths department at one Cornwall school went back to the drawing board to develop a new KS3 curriculum
We discover what it’s like to take part in the Primary Mastery Specialist Programme
The Oracy Commission Report’s recommendations and how this could impact on maths teaching and learning
Removing setting from maths teaching in a three-form entry primary school
Find out how three schools deliver maths through teaching for mastery, and why Ofsted liked what they saw
The Mastery Readiness Programme enables schools to put in place structures, systems and positive mathematical culture so they can successfully engage in teaching for mastery
Developing a school curriculum for mathematics, scheme of work and calculation policy
The NCETM Director and the Director for Evaluation and Impact reflect on the latest international maths comparison tests and how this informs developments in the NCETM and the Maths Hubs Network
A London school models one possible way to make the transition
#mathscpdchat, previously managed by the NCETM
How do your pupils learn times tables? From digestible research to interesting resources, these ideas will help you reflect
Discover what’s right for you, your department and your colleagues
Autumn term support for maths teaching available from the NCETM and Maths Hubs
Training materials, PowerPoints, videos and more are here to help primary schools plan maths teaching for the new school year
A selection of sites and resources that will help with your lesson and homework planning this revision season
Addressing two years of disrupted schooling, Checkpoints activities will help you to formatively assess understanding of key topics
Our final communication of the year amalgamates the Primary and Secondary Round-ups and our National Newsletter
PowerPoints to accompany the CBeebies series have been adapted for parents and carers to use
What you might have missed and what’s coming up…
Developed by MEI, Oak’s materials are for both primary and secondary schools
Are you a trainee, new to teaching maths or working with teachers early in their careers? Discover resources we have for you
Explore ideas for lockdown learning, remote teaching and online CPD
We’ve picked out some sites to help you make the most of your Year 11s’ mock exams and analyse their results
A guided tour around what’s on offer for new and experienced primary teachers at the start of the new school year. Updated September 2023
Teachers discuss the joys, the challenges and good resources
And resources you might like to explore
Seven suggested resources and activities to help you prepare your students for exams
Resources to support learning, teachers helping teachers, maths-teaching discussions, online conferences and more
We talk to a Year 7 teacher and one of the authors of our newest secondary classroom resource
Two authors talk about their new resources and suggest tips for addressing social issues through maths
New videos, PowerPoint slides and guidance documents provide ideas and resources for teaching KS3 topics
Resources available on the NCETM website and CPD opportunities through Maths Hubs – all free for secondary maths departments
New 60-second update, the NCETM Maths Podcast, Oak resources, subject association news
Ensure Year 6 pupils have the understanding they need to progress by using our handpicked resources
Let us show you what the guidance includes, and the resources available to get the most out of it
Mastering Number Programme underway, new primary and secondary resources for 2021/22, Maths Hubs funded opportunities for you in 2021/22, and more
A year’s worth of resources and professional development are being produced to support secondary maths teachers
How the latest lockdown has led to an outpouring of no-strings generosity across the maths education landscape
Our final communication of the year amalgamates the Primary and Secondary Round-ups and our National Newsletter
Our Easter communication amalgamates the Primary and Secondary Round-ups and our National Newsletter
How NCETM resources and Maths Hubs CPD programmes can help repair any damage to learning caused by the pandemic
We visit a school using the materials to structure INSET and department time for professional development
Six images that might prompt deeper thought when designing maths lessons from Year 1 to Year 6
Covid recovery: new resources, and thoughts on 'catch-up'
New primary ITE resources, secondary guidance, teaching through the pandemic, Core Maths, and more
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Articles, books and video to help you use physical representations more effectively in lessons
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Primary maths prioritisation, qualifications and curriculum updates, Maths Hubs planning for 2021/22, Numberblocks at home, and more
Sign up for our free Checkpoints seminars, primary spring term curriculum prioritisation materials, and more
New Checkpoints, subject knowledge audits, 2023 subject associations conference, and more
A conversation with the AMSP's Core Maths coordinator, and an enthusiastic Core Maths teacher
Our final communication of the school year amalgamates the Primary and Secondary Round-ups and our National Newsletter
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
We’ve just published the latest issue of Bespoke, which brings up-to-date news from the Maths Hubs Programme
We’ve just published the latest issue of Bespoke, which brings up-to-date news from the Maths Hubs Programme
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
What does the course offer post-16 students that don’t do Maths A level, and how can schools/colleges offer it?
A Year 6 teacher from Newcastle gives us a window on her primary school’s ‘blended’ approach to providing remote learning
Whether you’re a new teacher, or coming back to begin another year, we are here to support you with all your maths CPD this year and beyond
What are you planning with your class to highlight the day?
Find out about online support for parents and teachers being offered by the NCETM during school closures
Three experienced secondary teachers give tips on how to get off on the right foot with a new maths class at the start of a new year
Two Secondary Mastery Specialists explain the benefits of mastery to them, their departments, and their students
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
We have just launched the Secondary Round-up
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Support your Year 7s and develop students’ multiplicative reasoning skills
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Sources of support and accounts of how teachers are overcoming the hurdles
Guidance, training materials and videos that unpick the teaching of specific topics.
A secondary head of maths talks about remote learning and planning for life after COVID-19
The first batch of Spine 3: Fractions mastery professional development materials can be downloaded
A short video illustrates teaching for mastery in secondary classrooms
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our new Round-up brings you some of the best content from our website and across the world of primary and Early Years maths teaching
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Primary Round-up is now available
Places for up to two thousand primary schools have been funded by the DfE – contact your Maths Hub to apply
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Funded places for up to two thousand primary schools available – contact your Maths Hub to apply
Our latest Secondary Round-up is now available
Join our Tuesday evening chats or read summaries on our website
Tailored support for teachers and students from the Advanced Maths Support Programme
How our Professional Development materials can help you consolidate your subject knowledge, plan your maths lessons effectively and be assured that your pupils will grasp concepts with confidence
What secondary teachers said they love about the regular meetings with colleagues in their department
A maths lead explains how our resource has given her teachers an easy route into the mastery materials as well as excellent pedagogical development
Free CPD? Local collaboration? Department-wide impact? Maths Hubs Work Groups have it all – and more
A Year 6 teacher talks about the difficulty of engagement in remote learning in an area with a low socio-economic profile
A maths lead tells us how she teaches maths to pupils with varied needs, and supports her colleagues and other local teachers to do the same
Motivate and engage with games that deepen understanding
How teaching for mastery approaches can support students with dyscalculia to engage positively with maths
Exploring the transformative potential of oracy in the maths classroom
Six pairs of live presentations for secondary teachers
The nationwide project for primary schools continues in 2022/23
The knowledge and understanding most important for the first three years of secondary school, broken down into a coherent sequence
Whether you’re stepping into teaching for the first time or returning with years of experience, we’re here to support your journey with all the maths CPD you need this year and beyond
An article from our Director, Charlie Stripp
When should Year 6 and 7 teachers get the calculators out? And how might they use them?
An article by Emma Hill, a maths subject leader and Year 3 / 4 teacher
We’ve gathered suggestions about preparing pupils for transition in this disrupted year
A secure understanding of Key Stage 2 maths is crucial for new Year 7s to progress at secondary school
How secondary schools can continue to recover from the downward trends caused by the pandemic
Charlie Stripp shares his thoughts on ‘Coordinating mathematical success’
Seven Core Maths classes prove the value of the qualification for students
How they can support maths teaching for all A level Maths students
We dispel some of the common myths about teaching for mastery
Hear from a Cohort Lead on the Early Years Specialist Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics Programme
Work with your colleagues to plan lessons and develop your own knowledge and pedagogy
How one trust has paved the way for its schools to benefit from the Maths Hubs Programme
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Rachel Beddoes explains what the barriers are for girls, and what teachers and schools can do to overcome these
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) confirms that England has maintained its high global performance in mathematics
A Work Group looks at ways to manage maths curriculum objectives with two or more year groups in one class
A head of maths and Maths Hub Lead talks about the benefits of the qualification
Ever wondered where to begin with the Primary CP materials? This step-by-step guide will take you from website download to classroom activity
This article follows the concept of unitising through Years 1-6, also demonstrating effective curriculum sequencing
The NCETM’s Director, Charlie Stripp, has warned of the dangers of putting pressure on pupils to ‘catch-up’
There’s a range of ways for teachers and schools to engage with their local Maths Hub
Four steps to help you plan and teach percentage change
An article by Hande Kiamil, Head of Maths at Mill Hill County High School, in the London Borough of Barnet
What do your Year 7s already know and understand? How can you find out? And how can you move their understanding forward in Year 7?
A maths lead tells his school's story
Why this is so important and how you can ensure your school or college can take advantage of it
We find out why one of the country’s largest post-16 colleges has introduced Core Maths
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Learning in lockdown: support for teaching and learning from the NCETM, including new primary video lessons, plus support available from elsewhere, and more
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Useful pointers from teachers in a Maths Hub GCSE resit Work Group
Read about our comprehensive Secondary Mastery Professional Development Materials, what they are, who they are for, and how they can be used
How our podcast guests have been adapting their teaching to get round Covid restrictions
How a secondary maths department includes everyone in the planning process and fosters shared learning
Ensuring impact, effectiveness and pupil progress
Embedding multiplicative thinking across the primary maths curriculum
What role can trust leaders play in supporting maths teachers to flourish professionally?
What one primary teacher has done to improve children's confidence by engaging parents in learning maths
At Southfields Academy collaborative planning sessions have led to improved lesson quality, reduced planning time, and better staff retention
A celebration of the achievements made across ten years by England’s 40 Maths Hubs, supporting teachers and schools to improve maths teaching and learning
Support for maths learning and teaching during school closures, Primary and Secondary Mastery Specialist recruitment, and other opportunities for 2020/21
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Our latest NCETM newsletter is now available
Mini ‘stories’ can be an effective way to reveal mathematical structure and are a common feature in some of the best maths textbooks
Article by Jayne Webster, who teaches maths at Denbigh School in Milton Keynes
The AMSP's Tom Button looks at which calculations A level students should be doing on a calculator
Ordinality, put simply, is where numbers come in the number system and their relationship to each other. But there’s more to it than that…
Building in small steps to ensure all children develop understanding early on in primary school
We visit a school in Lancashire pioneering their use
Hear from a maths teacher and podcaster who leads a range of projects
Discover how the maths department at one Cornwall school went back to the drawing board to develop a new KS3 curriculum
We discover what it’s like to take part in the Primary Mastery Specialist Programme
The Oracy Commission Report’s recommendations and how this could impact on maths teaching and learning
Find out how three schools deliver maths through teaching for mastery, and why Ofsted liked what they saw
The NCETM Director and the Director for Evaluation and Impact reflect on the latest international maths comparison tests and how this informs developments in the NCETM and the Maths Hubs Network
Opportunities for developing teachers and maths departments and resources to support all post-16 maths teaching
Supplementary content to support use of the Secondary Mastery PD Materials
Videos and resources for teaching Key Stage 3 maths topics
Resources to accompany the CBeebies Numberblocks series, designed for parents to use at home with children
What the guidance consists of and how it aligns with other NCETM resources
Core concept 6.3 introduces translation, rotation, reflection and enlargement. It explores the degrees of freedom available, in terms of what does and doesn’t vary for each one.
Core concept 5.3 introduces probability as a way to quantify, explore and explain likelihood and coincidence, and to reason about uncertainty.
Core concept 3.2 introduces trigonometric functions through the unit circle. Ideas of similarity, scale factor and multiplicative relationships are integrated to explore problem-solving.
Core concept 4.2 introduces x- and y-coordinates as input and output of a function. It explores linear and quadratic functions, and how linear graphs can solve simultaneous equations.
Core concept 3.1 explores fractions, percentages, ratio and proportion (direct and inverse) as contexts in which multiplicative relationships are used.
Core concept 6.1 covers angle facts and the geometry of intersecting lines, similarity and congruence, and Pythagoras’ theorem.
Core concept 2.1 offers guidance on developing understanding of the mathematical structures that underpin standard procedures for calculation with decimals, fractions and directed numbers.
Core concept 1.1 covers the structure of our place-value system (particularly as it relates to decimals) and rounding numbers to a required number of decimal places or significant figures.
Core concept 2.2 explores how linear equations are effectively the formulation of a series of operations on unknown numbers and how solving them involves undoing these operations.
Core concept 6.2 covers how the formulae for perimeter, area and volume are derived and connected, and the importance of reasoning mathematically to solve a range of problems.
Core concept 1.3 covers the conversion of decimals to fractions (and vice versa), ordering positive and negative integers, fractions and decimals, and the expression of numbers in standard form.
Core concept 5.2 explores making informed choices about which statistical analysis and representation to use for different types of data, as well as the effect on interpretation.
Core concept 6.4 explores: triangles of given lengths; a perpendicular bisector of a line segment; a perpendicular to a given line through a given point; an angle bisector.
Core concept 1.2 focuses on factors, multiples and primes, exploring various representations to support understanding of highest common factors and lowest common multiples.
Core concept 4.1 covers sequences through exploration of the mathematical structure. It also introduces the idea of the nth term of a linear sequence.
Core concept 1.4 concerns the generalisation of number structures, the use of algebraic symbols, and techniques for their manipulation. The rearranging of formulae is also explored.
Core concept 5.1 covers measures of central tendency, work with grouped data and measures of spread, as well as the construction of scatter graphs and pie charts.
Diagnostic maths activities to help teachers develop their assessment of students' prior learning for KS3
A lesson from 2015/16 led by Clare Christie, maths subject leader for the Ashley Down Schools Federation in Bristol
Theme 6 comprises four core concepts: geometrical properties; perimeter, area and volume; transforming shapes; constructions.
Theme 4 comprises two core concepts: sequences; graphical representations.
Theme 3 comprises two core concepts: understanding multiplicative relationships; trigonometry.
Theme 1 comprises four core concepts: place value, estimation and rounding; properties of number; ordering and comparing; simplifying and manipulating expressions, equations and formulae.
Theme 2 comprises two core concepts: arithmetic procedures; solving linear equations.
Theme 5 comprises three core concepts: statistical representations and measure; statistical analysis; probability.
A lesson from 2015/16 led by Clare Christie, maths subject leader for the Ashley Down Schools Federation in Bristol
79 PowerPoints, each one focusing on one of the ready-to-progress criteria in the new DfE maths guidance for KS1 and KS2
Lesson videos on children developing understanding and fluency with number
Six professional development units designed for ITE tutors to use with secondary trainee maths teachers
Six professional development units designed for ITE tutors to use with primary trainee teachers exploring maths
Unit 9 – 1 week
A lesson from 2015/16 led by James Berry, subject leader and deputy head at Chesterton Primary School in Wandsworth
Assess your confidence in teaching the content of the KS3 maths curriculum
A term-by-term framework to support planning and teaching
Unit 11 – 1 week
Unit 11 – 1 week
Unit 11 – 1 week
Unit 11 – 2 weeks
Unit 12 – 1 week
Embracing teaching for mastery in maths has seen pupils’ love for the subject contribute to some exceptional end of year outcomes for all year groups
A set of video clips from 2014/15 centred on one lesson, focusing on the 6-times-table
Unit 8 – 1 week
Unit 10 – 1 week
Green shoots of Teacher Research Groups (TRGs) are slowly spreading their fronds of mastery exploration across the country
At Trinity Academy in Halifax all teachers are now using place value counters with students across the ability range
Unit 14 – 2 weeks
We visit the classroom of Hannah Gray, a primary teacher involved in trialling new Singapore-style textbooks, designed to support a mastery approach
We visit Gorse Hill Primary School Work Group in Swindon, and find out how gap tasks are driving powerful changes in pedagogy
Removing setting from maths teaching in a three-form entry primary school
The Mastery Readiness Programme enables schools to put in place structures, systems and positive mathematical culture so they can successfully engage in teaching for mastery
A London school models one possible way to make the transition